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So far admin has created 124 blog entries.

5G Broadcast could resolve WFH challenges during this world-wide lockdown!


Preetham Uthaiah
EVP, Marketing & Strategy
The lockdown has redefined not just work and workplaces but it has also redefined the world of education, entertainment, and much more. With classrooms going virtual, video streaming, online health care consultations, the already ever-increasing video traffic is now at an all-time high. 5G Broadcast holds the solution to combating the steep rise in the video traffic signals.

5G Broadcast could resolve WFH challenges during this world-wide lockdown!2022-06-01T05:35:56+00:00

Demystifying Whitespaces: The India Story


Hemant Mallapur
Founder & EVP, Engineering
White spaces are empty channels between two active broadcast channels. It has been proposed as one of the preferred technologies in bridging the Urban-Rural digital divide for “Digital India”. It is suited to be a backhaul or “middle mile” technology enabling the operators to provide 3g/4g services to rural areas.

Demystifying Whitespaces: The India Story2022-06-01T05:39:32+00:00
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